The attack in Pittsburgh on Jewish Worshippers

Synagogue Tree of Life during the Shabbat-services 27th October 2018

Words can not express our feelings of sorrow and sadness about this horrifying attack against humanity.

An attack on a place of Divine worship is an attack on all places of worship.

This heinous hate crime perpetrated against peaceful worshippers in a synagogue in Pittsburg, USA, reminds us that hate speech and vilification of Minorities and immigrants bring with them disastrous consequences.

The European Muslim Jewish Leadership Council (MJLC) prays to the Lord Above to strengthen our respective communities in their struggle of bringing a true peace and prosperity for our own communities and far beyond. This as a shining example in our fight to protect the rights of all minorities in our world.

Vienna, 28th October 2018 / 17 Safar 1440 / 18 Marchesvan 5779