The Halle Terrorist Attack, Yom Kippur, the 9th of October 2019

Only days after the suspected terrorist attack in Limburg, a town near the city of Frankfurt, in which several people were hurt, terror returned to the streets of Germany.

In the town of Halle in central Germany, a gunman tried to force his way into the synagogue before turning to passers-by and a Turkish Kebab shop. Sadly, two people were killed and two people wounded.

The terrorist is said to follow extreme-right ideologies.

The European Muslim Jewish Leadership Council (MJLC) considers it as their duty to express their deep feelings off sorrow towards the victims and their next of kin. Furthermore, we want to express our feelings of support to the German citizens who once again are challenged to live amid fear and insecurity.

The European Muslim Jewish Leadership Council (MJLC) will, in view of vicious acts like these, increase their efforts to denounce the extreme ideas which lead to these barbaric acts against humanity and call on the European governments to do likewise.

We call on the European people not to be let astray to ideologies which are responsible for hatred, racism, islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

We call on all Muslims, Jews and the other people of faith to join us in our effort to put aside animosity and hatred within our society and to show that religion is once again here to establish peace and prosperity in the whole of Europe.