The Executive Board of the European Muslim Jewish Leadership Council today issued a statement condemning the recently revealed longstanding pattern of anti-Semitic rhetoric conducted by an Imam in Norway.

“As a body that was founded by European Rabbis and Imams, in response to a rising tide of intolerance in Europe, including growing Islamophobia and Antisemitism, the MJLC is appalled by the revelations of an ongoing pattern of hateful statements against followers of the Jewish faith by Noor Ahmad Noor in Norway.

We are additionally dismayed that the comments that have been uncovered, some purportedly including incitements to violence against Jews, were issued by someone who claims to represent the movement for enhancing interreligious understanding and promoting the rights of people of different faiths to live without fear of harassment or violence. These expressions are wholly contradictory to the values that define us as Europeans and as people of faith.

Jewish communities are keenly aware of the dangerous link between hate speech and real-world violence, and Europe’s Jewish and Muslim communities are united in rejecting this antisemitism in the strongest terms. We commend the Norwegian authorities for launching an investigation into these remarks and are hopeful that the country’s justice system can ensure accountability and prevent such inflammatory utterances in the future.”