Organizational setting

The MJLC is a charitable, non-profit association based in Austria. By strengthening Muslim-Jewish relations and advocating for minority rights in Europe, the MJLC contributes to the development of a pluralistic society that appreciates diverse identities and promotes the dignity of all European citizens in order to foster their empowerment and coexistence.

The MJLC was founded in 2018 by rabbis under the aegis of the Council of European Rabbis (CER) and by European imams, thanks to the facilitation of the International Dialogue Center (KAICIID). It was created in order to counteract misinformation and mistrust concerning the Muslim and Jewish communities in Europe- both among their members and in the rest of society- and to combat the rising levels of islamophobia and anti-Semitism which affect them. The MJLC offers a platform where leaders of both religious communities can consult and coordinate joint activities. These include spreading accurate information about their faiths and traditions and promoting their communities’ shared rights and interests in Europe. It is hoped that the example of Muslim and Jewish religious leaders meeting and working side by side will encourage trust, respect and solidarity among their followers and European society in general.


The MJLC Coordinator is recruited to manage and ensure the smooth functioning of the MJLC Executive Board, which consists of two Chairs, two Vice Chairs, a Secretary and a Treasurer. As the executive of the MJLC, the Board must take decisions and implement the MJLC’s plan of action with the support of other MJLC organs and working groups. The Coordinator’s task is to lead administrative and programmatic processes withing the MJLC, organizing and implementing initiatives and running the internal processes and communications smoothly, fairly and inclusively in accordance with the MJLC statutes and Austrian law.

As the MJLC depends upon building trust and equal and active collaboration between Muslim and Jewish communities throughout Europe, the Coordinator’s task is to promote that trust and encourage that exchange. This entails maintenance of the highest ethical standards, diligent information-sharing and arrangement of consultation opportunities between Muslim and Jewish members.

The Coordinator will report to the MJLC Co-Chairs and provide relevant information to the MJLC Secretary and Treasurer. The Coordinator serves as the primary interface between the MJLC and the Austrian authorities as well as MJLC’s collaborating partners at working level. The Coordinator will work closely with the Focal Point at the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) to maintain an informed and close link between the two organizations.


Of advantage:


To apply

Please send a CV and letter of application to by 28th February 2022. Only complete applications will be considered.

The MJLC is committed to diversity and inclusion and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all religious, ethnic and social backgrounds to apply.

Responsibilities in detail

The MJLC Coordinator:

  1. Programmatic Work

    1. Leads the planning, organization, implementation and evaluation of activities carried out by the MJLC according to the annual activity plan and strategy, ensuring a high quality of delivery and outputs;
    2. As part of 1.1, undertakes procurement of services, arrangement of logistics, guest management, liaising with partners and service providers, and assistance with conducting and recording activities as required;
    3. Develops and implements the annual work plan including creating detailed budgets, project methodology, risk management and evaluation of different activities;
    4. Drafts project documents (concept notes, agendas, lists of participants, evaluations, funding applications) for the consideration of the Board;
    5. Monitors and tracks project progress, success stories and lessons learned;
    6. Ensures that quality project reports are produced, submitted and circulated in a timely fashion.
  2. Administration

    1. Plans, arranges and monitors a schedule of meetings for the Board, its Working Groups and the General Assembly, keeping detailed records of these meetings;
    2. Administers processes associated with governance and membership of the MJLC according to the statutes, including statutory register filings;
    3. Maintains a record of MJLC activities, including a database of contacts and quarterly/annual reports which comply with European and Austrian legal requirements;
    4. Creates, maintains and runs MJLC policies and systems for approval, data storage and procurement;
    5. Works closely with the MJLC’s selected legal services and requests, contributes to and circulates legal documents required for the MJLC’s work;
    6. Ensures that MJLC is compliant with data protection legislation.
  3. External Relations and Communications

    1. In consultation with the Board, supports the MJLC in developing and nurturing relations with relevant stakeholders in Europe; including drafting content for agreements which clearly define areas of common interest, expected results, and the commitments and responsibilities of the various parties for approval of the MJLC Board.
    2. Creates and maintains a communication strategy and media policies, and keeps the MJLC website and social media accounts populated and updated on a regular basis;
    3. Drafts and publishes MJLC communications, including public statements, official correspondence, digital communications and publications, brochures and reports, as required;
    4. Produces success stories in accessible formats that highlight the outcomes and results to raise the profile of the MJLC and its work in Europe;
    5. Develops briefing packs, factsheets, achievement reports and similar materials to enhance MJLC’s profile, access and fund-raising efforts;
    6. Leads on identification, contracting and management of communications service providers;
    7. Fields media enquiries, by directing journalists to the authorized MJLC spokespersons, as nominated by the MJLC Chairs.
  4. Finance and Grant management

    1. Working closely with the Treasurer, manages the budget and finances of the MJLC, monitoring spending against the annual budget and work plans;
    2. Sets up, runs and monitors financial processes for the MJLC, ensuring efficiency and accountability as well as compliance with Austrian law;
    3. Drafts the MJLC’s annual narrative and financial reports;
    4. Organizes the auditing of the MJLC finances on an annual basis;
    5. Supports design and delivery of grant-making initiatives;
    6. Maps resource mobilization opportunities beyond the contributions of the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) and incrementally applies for and secures such funding.
  5. Miscellaneous

    1. Upon agreement with both Co-Chairs, undertakes any other tasks related to programmes in Europe related to the MJLC mission.